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    • While the RE2 remake is better than RE3, some aspects to it were a let down. The second scenario for example did feel like a repeat. Both characters aren't supposed to enter the general store next to the petrol pumps, as Leon was supposed to inspect the corpse laying on a road. Then Claire runs out of the diner, at which point Leon shoots a zombie in the head. But actual headshots during the game itself never really proved effective against the undead. There was also cut enemy types, with notable things gone such as the spiders. Again, maybe that doesn't impact the game as such, but the RE1 remake in 2002 only had subtle changes, and everything from the graphics to the new Crimson Head zombies and Lisa Trevor as a Nemesis-esque boss who follows you, was well received at the time. In my opinion, the RE4 remake was really good. But I mean, RE4 has always been an enjoyable action game, if you try to remember that it's not a true survival horror experience you're playing. I do believe RE4 and RE5 caused the eventual downfall of the series, but they are fine action games to judge as such. 5 and 6 are just a lot of fun with co-op, but they aren't remotely as atmospheric as the titles from the PS1 era. And this is because they are too action oriented, and the villagers and whatnot can provide a lot of ammo when you eliminate them, which has always giving me arcade vibes since most of the enemies never use guns.
    • Just missed out. It's joint 19th alongside Snake and Banjo. Here's a page with the full list.
    • R.O.B. isn't in the top 18 heaviest characters?!
      You learn something new every day.
    • In time anything is possible. Capcom is the issue here however; perfectly able to remake Resident Evil 2 only to drop the ball with the remake of Resident Evil 3. Not sure when we will get to see the remake of Resident Evil Survivor though. Lastly regarding the original Resident Evil game yes I am sure it can be remade again especially when you know that the original idea was to make it first person - What Resident Evil Could Have Been | Shacknews
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