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  • Posts

    • Somehow, Tears of the Kingdom turns one year old today! To commemorate the occasion, Nintendo have released a stunning piece of artwork from one of my favourite moments of the game  (link for a phone wallpaper!) And this follows the beautiful piece of art we got just a day before launch last year:  Okay, so one year on – for those who have played TOTK, how are you feeling about it now?  For me, I'll be honest, it does lack the freshness in the world and I was a bit letdown by the lack of story connectivity to BOTW and progression in Hyrule's various settlements, oh and, well, the UI/mountain of menus kind of suck.  But, for me, just to ramble off some of my favourite aspects: there is a stronger emphasis in key moments on its music; I thought the bosses and temples were much improved (Colgera's theme and the Sky Temple hnnnnnnnng); the vertical expansion of the world offered so much more room for exploration; I much prefer the abilities to BOTW's for their accuracy and ambition allowing for a greater sense of sandbox-like creativity and more nuanced, individualised approaches; the treasure trove of secrets; I love the small army battles, the caves, the initial exploration of certain darker areas in the map, and oh...that ending. The final few fights and moments of TOTK's story, for me, are well up there with some of my favourites in gaming, period. It lives in my head rent-free.  It was my GOTY last year, sneaking in there at the last second, and of the Zelda games that I have played to completion - which isn't a lot; it's Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time, Tears of the Kingdom and Link's Awakening - it is, by far and away, while not a perfect experience, my favourite Zelda experience.  (and yes I need to play more Zelda games don't @ me we'll get to those others in the course)
    • Someone made a Star Wars mod for the game and it looks INCREDIBLE
    • Today, I learned that there's people out there who, despite being alive during the N64 era, were not aware of the Buck Bumble title theme. Best fix that, just in case you're not the only one. Wait, what? Hang on... Huh. So, when going to get this theme, I just found out that the composer uploaded the full version to YouTube. A month ago... Creepy timing, that.
    • They're bug sized nukes, you're either moving them away from your base or nuking the wasps.
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