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    • The issue here is that they couldn't implement it in time for launch due to server difficulties from the unexpected popularity of the game. Sea of Thieves requires a Microsoft account too on PS5 and there's other games out there that need similar accounts not related to the platform you're playing on. It probably didn't even occur to them that there'd be a backlash by reinstating it later - and I'll bet they're kicking themselves that they didn't have this ready at launch since now they can't implement it. The whole story is a storm in a teacup though, to the point of people saying they'd quit playing a game they're enjoying. There was a pretty good article on Kotaku documenting the sensationalism.
    • This is not an announcement, more like an acknowledgement that it exists. They probably don't want people to have unreasonable expectations for the June Direct.
    • WWF War Zone NA release: 11th August 1998 PAL release: 21st August 1998 JP release: N/A Developer: Iguana Publisher: Acclaim N64 Magazine Score: 85% The first N64 Wrestling game with the WWF licence, containing classic wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Triple H and Star Trek: Voyager star “The Rock”. It also featured a decent create-a-wrestler mode (although, oddly, the female options need to be unlocked), and even an unlockable Turok. It was a good selection for fans of WWF at the time due to having big names, even if it lacked in terms of quantity. The game itself is decent, although quite dated. While there are different modes, the fighting itself doesn’t feel particularly different and the simpler moves work just as well the ones that are a faff to perform, so it’s easy to get into the habit of just doing the same thing over and over. I definitely believe that this was pretty significant when it came out, especially due to some of the wrestlers in the game and the fun create-a-wrestler, but all aspects have been improved upon in later games. Remake or remaster? Later games have done more. Official ways to get the game. There is no official way to get WWF War Zone
    • This fiscal year... My guess is it will maybe be revealed in with a short trailer in September, followed big Direct in January, and launching in March. Probably around the 3rd  They likely want to squeeze a final Xmas out of the OG Switch, so I guess the June Direct will give us a hint as to when exactly the new console will launch. If they have a fair amount of stuff for Q3 and Q4 of 2024, March will probably be nailed on as a launch date. 
    • Well we now have our official "start" of Switch 2, so this can now be our thread regarding everything to do with the next console. If anything, it'll stop me clogging up the main Switch thread with my console begging
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