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    • Do you have the ability to play Fire Emblem Heroes? You get 100 coins every few missions. It's all I play it for. I just put it on auto play and rake in the platinum coins.
    • Oh my word they've just announced a new controller variant: I know it's probably unfortunate timing but read the room Xbox COME ONNNNNN
    • This is what happens when you have mass consolidation. Everyone cheering on the Activision purchase and saying it was good for the industry....yeah, this is what happens.
    • Played it for an hour just now.
      Not feeling it at all. Gonna give it some more time but right now...meh.
    • This is genuinely disgusting stuff to see from Xbox.  To @Dcubed's point, yep, Hi-Fi Rush was inarguably the most positive reception we saw for an Xbox published game last year and I'd go so far as to say their most original in years, too.  Remember Mikami leaving last year? I wonder if this is a case of the overseer not being around and then shutting up shop because they saw value in the name more than anything else because of him. He might've also left seeing the writing on the cards, but I struggle to see that being the case - it's a huge assumption on my part, but Mikami seemed genuinely interested in pursuing and instilling confidence in future talent with Tango, so I'd be shocked if he left them in the lurch. I imagine he'd be seething right about now.  Between Xbox and PlayStation that now means only PlayStation has a foothold left in Japan of the major console manufacturers besides Nintendo, right? Being Team Asobi (Astro Bot), Polyphony Digital and XDev? Shocking.  I think that's totally warranted. The way they've marketed that game to me has been bonkers; I mean, here's your reminder that between announcement (TGAs in Dec 2019) and its planned release (May 2024) are 4½ years...we're talking a marketing cycle nearly as long as Final Fantasy VII Remake's for crying out loud (E3 2015 in June to April 2020), which was just shy of 5 years.  Like, no pressure, guys. Nearly half a decade for a game which isn't going to be sizeable and at this point I've seen draw unfair comparisons to God of War is wild.  While true, Xbox is well beyond the point of being a problem child for them at this point and with them seemingly transitioning into publishers over console manufacturers - regardless of what Phil said a few months back, we've since seen several releases on other platforms come and go, and I imagine many more are on the way - I imagine they're consolidating their gaming plans with surefire hits to shore up their roster of game on Game Pass.  Which I'm sure all of us here and many gaming fans all over the world would agree is a terrible idea, but then, well, when was the last time they had - and executed on - a good one? Backwards compatibility and the adaptive controller are great initiatives but target such niche markets that it doesn't exactly move the needle for Xbox as a whole.  Which is hilarious to me because of how poorly they handled the Fallout TV show's launch – I mean no game released in the last year or coming in the next six months to capitalise on its success, I mean, really? Fallout 4 has basically ridden that high in another game's absence, but has done so at a heavily discounted price.  Speaks volumes about Xbox's poor planning, really. I've got a lot of strong opinions about The Last of Us Part I Remake, but given the show's success some six months after launch and that game and Part II both getting noticeable bumps in sales figures as a result, it made perfect sense. 
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