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    • Decided against going with FFVI yet again on the new Odin 2 and I'm finally going to try Suikoden V instead as I never got around to playing it.
    • VAR itself is not a problem. Technology is used in other sports. The thing is how inept they've been at integrating it in footy. That and some sort of a clash of egos between the people doing it and the protocol they've bound themselves with. You'd think after five years of on the job learning they'd have figured it out a lot better by now. Like that Luis Diaz decision couldn't be rectified because the game had kicked off again? Give me a break. Apparently 96% of VAR decisions have been correct (up from 82% pre-VAR) but so many teams have been screwed over by that 4%. Still, I would be surprised if 7 clubs don't vote to keep it. Especially when you remember it was no better before. Did they even get letters of apology back then? Automated offsides is a step in the right direction. Hope it doesn't take another five years to improve the rest.
    • They've milked the series so much, I cannot even be arsed to discuss it anymore. Yeah. It really has reached that stage for me.  It's gonna be compared to the 2002 remake too much anyway. People will see all the things Capcom left out and just call it the inferior version, only to wonder why it was made in the first place. But it's obviously just another cash grab because Capcom knows everyone will line up at the buffet table. Although I'm quite sure these are the same gamers who praise the RE2 remake, yet that game doesn't even feel anything like the classic 1998 title, since too much was altered.  And they had years to work on getting it right...  
    • Space Station Silicon Valley NA release: 21st October 1998 PAL release: November 1998 JP release: N/A Developer: DMA Design Publisher: Take-Two N64 Magazine Score: 91% Space Station Silicon Valley is a mission-based puzzle platformer where you reanimate the corpses of dead animals (don’t worry, they’re all robots). It was developed by DMA design (makers of Lemmings, GTA and Body Harvest) and is an immense amount of fun. The game did ship with a bug that meant that you couldn’t pick up one of the collectables, but I played a version that had been patched by fans that fixes the issue. You play as Evo, a robot that loses its body as he and his hero-for-hire partner crash into a mysterious station that’s on a course for Earth. Evo ends up as just a chip, but discovers that he can take over the bodies of deceased animal robots. In each level, you must complete multiple objectives, usually done by killing the animals, taking over their bodies and using their various abilities to complete what you need. It all sounds horrific and disturbing when trying to explain it, but the game manages to be incredibly charming throughout this, with happy music that is played through the station speakers (which you can destroy to shut them up). Discovering how each animal moves and how to use them is one of the main things I love about Space Station Silicon Valley. They all have different kinds of movement – some are like a typical platformer, others are like cars and some can only move when jumping – and the powers have various uses that aren’t just needed to solve the puzzles of the level, but to find all the collectables. This concept was also a large part of Super Mario Odyssey, so my like for this is probably why I loved that, too. Each level has 15 power cells hidden in it to find, some are in plain view, others are hidden extremely well. A few of them can be quite frustrating to get to, such as some high up ones requiring using a vulture’s awful flight to get there. The game’s dreadful camera also doesn’t help matters, as you can never get a good look around and the cameral often likes looking downwards. The other kind of collectable is a hidden trophy in each level, which is found by doing a secret objective. Sometimes these are obvious, such as the second level having a racetrack, and often killing everything will yield results, while others are very tricky, such as listing to penguins make sound and recreating it on a keyboard (being tone-deaf, I looked that one up). Still, even with these annoying ones, it was a joy to collect everything. I’m not 100% completing every N64 game, but this one was one where I wanted to do so. At the end of each of the four regions, you’ll encounter a level where you find a piece of Evo’s original body. These are quite different to the main gameplay, featuring different events. For example the second area ends with a Jetski-like race called Walrace 64 where you have to win a race as a robotic walrus boat. Once all these are done, the final mission is defending Earth against invading robots, but unfortunately is probably the weakest level of the game. Still, that slight downer is just the end of a wonderful experience. While the difficulty is more of a rollercoaster than a curve, you do get used to some of the techniques the game uses, and the wild and wacky robot animals are always an absolute joy to discover – each time you see a new one, you’re eager to kill it and give it a spin. Space Space Station Silicon valley is a wonderful platformer and one I think more people should try out. Remake or remaster? A remaster would be great for this. Have it adapted into widescreen, give it a new camera and fix a few things here or there. A few bonus levels would be nice, too. Official ways to get the game. There is no official way to get Space Station Silicon Valley
    • https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft/microsofts-quest-for-short-term-dollardollardollar-is-doing-long-term-damage-to-windows-surface-xbox-and-beyond
        Sounds like we’re coming close to the end of the line for Xbox. What a shame, such a waste of potential. If they want to make the biggest splash possible as a 3rd party publisher though, they should probably wait until the release of Switch 2; come swinging right out of the gate with the likes of the complete Halo, Gears and Forza series during the launch window and immediately establish themselves as the biggest 3rd party on Nintendo’s next console.  No doubt they’d get the sweetheart royalty deal to end all sweetheart royalty deals if they do this.
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